GE HealthCare

For over a decade, we've been a trusted digital partner for GE HealthCare's global teams, across modalities, on embedded UIs, next-gen devices, IoT portals, service apps and training.

We have partnered with several of their P&L divisions to execute on just about every area of our expertise. Click on our process page and we can share a GE project for just about every icon.

A milestone in our work with GE came a few years ago when they engaged us to redesign the UI for their best-selling ECG platform, which was over 20 years old. Visiting Mayo Clinic, observing clinicians, and identifying opportunities, we crafted a new UI now undergoing FDA trials. This collaboration extended to designing various interfaces across their Diagnostic Cardiology platform.

Another key effort: working on a way to get all of their clinical products, including big iron medical equipment, to connect to each other with the ability to manage and monitor a hospitals entire fleet remotely. Millions of their devices are out there—smart, helpful, but isolated. They needed a platform where these devices could connect, form groups, share updates, and communicate.

They challenged us: "Build something that has never been built before." We accepted and developed AVURI, a secure, centralized platform for device management in the cloud. Years of perfecting the UX, UI, and front-end culminated in a hub where professional biomeds can monitor and manage life-saving devices. No more bio pro FOMO.

Concepting & UX

As an innovative technology company, GE often needs UIs that are novel and unique.


Socialization of design ideas to a large org like GE can involve hundreds of stake-holders. Seeing how these ideas work in practice is critical.


We work directly with GE's development teams all over the world.

Beyond the clinical work we do, we've also supported innumerable marketing projects. We built the iOS app for GE Service Shop and have supported their 15-year-old e-commerce site with design and front-end development. We also strategize and execute their entire parts and service email marketing program.

From clinical applications to national marketing strategy, our partnership with GE HealthCare continues to advance their global leadership and push the boundaries of what a small digital studio can deliver.

  • 300+ emails designed and built, 150 landing pages design & built and 10+ UIs designed.

  • 11 years working with multiple departments at GE Healthcare as a dependable service provider.

  • 5 years of active coding on two platforms with 1K+ commits.

Designing and building interfaces for embedded clinical devices is some of the most challenging and rewarding work I've ever done in digital. Not exactly the kind of thing art school trains you for.

Jay BeckmanCo-Founder, Creative