Go, Go, Legion Go!


Go-go-going where Microsoft hadn't.

As an innovative global leader in consumer electronics, when Lenovo debuted their fun and cutting-edge Legion Go, the team responsible for marketing Lenovo products in stores in North America had to figure out a way to get it into consumer's hands. literally. Legion Go is meant to be picked up, pawed at and played with.

Since it's technically a Windows PC, Microsoft provides an off-the-shelf platform for running a demo experience for retail devices, but it's natively designed to play videos or static slideshows. As a device designed for playing games with the form factor and portability of a Nintendo Switch, but a full gaming PC capable of blazing any AAA titles, the basic functionality of RDX just wouldn't cut it. It needed something active, not passive. Something fun, and elevated to the AAA experience gamers would expect.

Legion Go Screenshot from the device
Video: See the Legion Go in action!


And they needed it in a month.

Short turnarounds can cause anxiety, but we have to admit it's the kind of thing we're good at. Big ideas, logistically challenged, executed quickly.

A cool product - we just had to activate it.

Lucky for us, the initiative came with beautiful campaign creative from the global launch that we could design into an interactive experience that would takeover the 9.7" screen and show players everything this little beast could do. We built a 3D interface in Unity, with rich atmosphere and camera effects, that let's consumers in retail locations like Best Buy explore the specs, but more importantly, play a fully immersive 3D game.


Custodian takes care of the rest.

Beneath the hood we also incorporated our retail management platform, Custodian, which lets us control the machines remotely, monitor every possible engagement metric, and deploy changes to anywhere in the country remotely.

The roll out was so short notice we had to intercept the devices after they were already shipped and image them ourselves, also using Custodian, with which we can track chain-of-custody and the status of the hundreds of devices as they made their way from our facility to be delivered to stores. We can now monitor the devices in real time, or run quarterly reports for the client showing how long kids in Kansas spend shooting up asteroids, because what else is there to do in Kansas.

We just got a palette of hundreds more to install the demo on, so it seems like it's working. Go go go to your local Best Buy to judge for yourself.

  • Hundreds of Legion Go Devices in Best Buys across North America with more in the works.

  • Tens of thousands of engagements in the first few weeks. Sales went up and to the right.

  • Longest engagement? Embarrassingly long.

The logistics, development, deployment and remote monitoring of Lenovo's retail experiences is a great example of our full capabilities as a partner.

Steph SteckProject Management Director